API Activity
  • 18 Sep 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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API Activity

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Article summary

The API activity page gives you a high-level view of API traffic in your infrastructure. It provides information about the Total number of calls in the selected period, the number of internal or external calls, Live requests, Top API Endpoints, and a live map that displays where requests originate. The API activity page also summarizes the recent changes made to the APIs.

Choose the Environment and period for which you wish data to be displayed.

Live requests

Live requests are among the most valuable data in API activity. Traceable displays live requests for your chosen Environment along with their IP addresses. The live requests are a combination of internal and external calls. Monitoring live requests provides real-time information about what resources are accessed by APIs.

Top Endpoints

Traceable lists the Top Endpoints based on the number of calls/minute during the selected period. Click on the API Endpoint name to view more details about the API. As the screenshot below shows, you can view all the IP addresses that accessed the API Endpoint, along with the URL and status code. Click on the plus (+) sign for more information about the request. You can also view the protocol, for example, GRPC or HTTP, with the total number of calls in the selected time duration. Hovering the mouse over the graph displays the number of calls during a minute, as shown below.

The External Calls widget shows the number of calls originating from a specific geographical location and the city's name. If you see more calls from a geographic area, you may want to investigate. When you click on a particular geographic location, Traceable displays detailed traces from that place. This is another actionable forensic information provided by Traceable to protect your API infrastructure.

Total calls

Traceable provides the total of internal and external calls in the chosen period. The screenshot below shows the bar graph separately showing the internal and external calls. You can select the time period for which you wish to view the total number of calls. By default, the number of calls is shown for 30 minutes, with a maximum of 6 hours. The total calls section also shows the number of internal and external API calls.

Recent changes

Traceable provides another powerful option to view new and updated APIs in the selected time range. The screenshot below shows that the recent changes section lists all the latest and updated APIs. When you hover the mouse over Update, a pop-up window displays the number of new parameters and the parameters being learned. These parameters are divided into request and response parameters.

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