Platform agent
  • 22 Jul 2024
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Platform agent

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Article summary

1.47.1 — 22nd July

Traceable’s Platform Agent 1.47.1 release provides the following:


  • Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) — The 1.47.1 release excludes internal processes from eBPF PCF deployment by default.

  • NGINX ingress controller — The 1.47.1 release adds support for custom container and configmap name.

  • Istio — The 1.47.1 release adds various timeout options for Traceable’s Istio agent. For more information, see Helm values for Istio.

  • eBPF and Platform agent—The 1.47.1 release provides Cloudformation templates for deploying Traceable’s eBPF solution and Platform agent.

  • eBPF

    • The 1.47.1 release supports the Priority class for eBPF deployment.

    • The 1.47.1 release updates the eBPF version to 1.15.2.

  • GCP mirroring — The 1.47.1 release provides configurations for OS image and network interface to listen to.

1.46.1 — 4th July

Traceable’s Platform Agent 1.46.1 release provides the following:


  • eBPF  — The 1.46.1 release updates the eBPF version to 1.15.0.

  • eBPF BTF — The 1.46.1 release allows configuring the eBPF BTF download path. For more information, see Helm and Terraform values topic.

  • Signature verification — The 1.46.1 release provides a new option, --no-verify, if you do not wish to verify signatures.

1.46.0 — 20th June

Traceable’s Platform Agent 1.46.0 release provides the following:


  • http_proxy and no_proxy — The 1.46.0 release provides support for http_proxy and no_proxy through Helm chart and Terraform. For more information, see the Proxy section.

  • AWS VPC mirroring — The 1.46.0 release allows the passing of additional custom IAM roles.

  • OTEL collector — The 1.46.0 release upgrades the OTEL collector to version 0.102.1

1.45.0 — 24th May

Traceable’s Platform Agent 1.45.0 release provides the following:


  • AWS VPC mirroring The 1.45.0 release provides AWS VPC support launch template instead of launch configuration for EC2 instances.

  • AWS API gateway

    • The 1.45.0 release adds support for monitoring multiple accounts from an external account.

    • The 1.45.0 release adds support for external Traceable Platforma gent instance.

    • The 1.45.0 release adds support for the Cloudformation template.

1.44.2 — 14th May

Traceable’s Platform Agent 1.44.2 release provides the following:


  • eBPF

    • The 1.44.2 release provides uprobes exclusion configurations for a Kubernetes deployment.

    • The 1.44.2 release provides options in the installation script to override the yaml file. The options are:

      • For ebpf--ebpf-override-config-file OVERRIDE_CONFIG_FILE

      • For ebpf-only--override-config-file OVERRIDE_CONFIG_FILE 

    • The 1.44.2 release updates the eBPF version to 1.13.3

1.44.1 — 3rd May

Resolved issue

  • Region blocking — The 1.44.1 release resolves an issue where region blocking was not working when the forwarded header was spoofed.

1.44.0 — 29th April

Traceable’s Platform Agent 1.44.0 release provides the following:


  • Sidecar and proxy — The 1.44.0 release removes support for sidecar and proxy injection.

  • Configuration override — The 1.44.0 release provides the ability to override a set of values in config.yaml without editing the config.yaml file. Traceable provides a command-line and environment variable option to override:

    • command-line argument — --config-override /path/to/config-override.yaml

    • Environment variable — TA_CONFIG_OVERRIDE_FILE=/path/to/config-override.yaml

  • SCC and eBPF — The 1.44.0 release allows configuring SCC for eBPF in OpenShift deployments.

  • eBPF — The 1.44.0 release upgrades the eBPF version to 1.12.2.

  • Service account names — The 1.44.0 release allows configuring service account names in a Kubernetes deployment.

  • Logging — The 1.44.0 release provides additional logging for blocking Platform agent deployment in a VM environment.

Resolved issues

  • Injector match selectors The 1.44.0 release resolves an issue in which the Platform agent crashed when injector match selectors were not specified.

1.43.0 - 8th April

Traceable’s Platform Agent 1.43.0 release provides the following:


  • Platform agent on Windows — The 1.43.0 release provides support for installing Traceable’s Platform agent on a Windows machine. For more information, see Platform agent on Windows.

  • GCP mirroring

    • The 1.43.0 release supports Traceable’s GCP mirroring deployment in a shared VPC.

    • The 1.43.0 release supports the ability to configure the Traceable Platform endpoint in the GCP mirroring setup script.

    • The 1.43.0 release supports mirroring GCP Application Load Balancers through the use of network tags.

  • eBPF

    • The 1.43.0 release updates the root file system in the eBPF tracer container to be read-only.

    • The 1.43.0 release updates the eBPF version to 1.12.1.

  • OTEL — The 1.43.0 release updates the OTEL collector version to 0.96.0

  • GraphQL — The 1.43.0 release supports capturing GraphQL payload by default for Traceable module extension (TME) based agents.

  • OS distribution name — The 1.43.0 release removes OS distribution names for rpm packages as they are OS distribution independent.

  • Apigee — The 1.43.0 release supports the Apigee agent sending data to the Traceable Platform agent using a message logging policy.


    This requires the use of latest Apigee agent 1.29.0 or later.

Resolved issues

  • The 1.43.0 release fixes vulnerabilities found by container image scans.

1.42.1 - 13th March

Traceable’s Platform Agent 1.42.1 release provides the following:


  • Log level — The 1.42.1 release provides logging levels for Traceable’s internal library. You can set these levels using Helm values. For more information, see Helm and terraform values.

  • F5 — The 1.42.1 release provides support for capturing F5 TLS data using High-Speed Logging (HSL).

  • eBPF

    • The 1.42.1 release separates the service account for the eBPF tracer and Traceable Platform agent for implementing fine-grained privileges.

    • The 1.42.1 release updates the eBPF version to 1.11.3

  • ImagePullSecrets — The 1.42.1 release supports ImagePullSecrets for the Kubernetes environment. This helps you separate deployment from authentication when you pull images from a repository.

  • PCF — The 1.42.1 release updates the PCF tile to use Ubuntu Jammy stemcell.

  • Custom annotations and labels — The 1.42.1 release supports custom annotations and labels for Helm and Terraform deployments.

  • HAProxy agent — The 1.42.1 release updates the change processing timeout to 1 second.

Resolved issues

  • Data classification — The 1.42.1 release resolves the issue of not marking the data type as sensitive when the data type's value is null.

  • Reverse proxy — The 1.42.1 release resolves an issue where HTTP reverse proxy was not working for gRPC API endpoints.

1.41.2 - 23rd February

Traceable’s Platform Agent 1.41.2 release provides the following:


  • eBPF version - 1.41.2 release updates the eBPF version to 1.11.2.

  • AWS mirroring - The 1.41.2 release adds support for VPC filter with tag-based mirror source for AWS VPC Mirroring.

1.41.0 - 16th February

Traceable’s Platform Agent 1.41.0 release provides the following:


  • OPA - The 1.41.0 release deprecates OPA-related configurations in Helm chart and Terraform.

  • Java agent version - The 1.41.0 release upgrades the injected Java agent version to 1.1.5.

  • Signed archives - The 1.41.0 release provides signed debs, zips, and rpm artifacts.

  • Azure - The 1.41.0 release has the following updates for Azure:

    • API endpoint in the template.

    • Updated the template to use vNet and subnet from a different resource group.

    • Updated the template to use the traffic mirroring installation script.

Resolved issues

  • Status code - The 1.41.0 release resolves an issue where “null” was displayed as a status code for TME-based (Traceable module extension) agents.

1.40.1 - 11th January

Traceable’s Platform Agent 1.40.1 release provides the following:


  • eBPF - The eBPF version is updated to 1.10.7.

Resolved issues

  • API exclusion - The 1.40.1 release resolves an issue where data was not being dropped when API exclusion was defined.

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