  • 15 Oct 2024
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Article summary

Traceable supports deploying its Platform agent on a Microsoft Windows machine. The Platform agent runs as a background service similar to systemctl in the Unix environment.

Before you begin

Make a note of the following before you proceed with installation and configuration:

  • Make sure that you have login access to Traceable Platform. You would need to generate a Traceable token to connect the Traceable Platform agent to the Traceable Platform.

    • You can obtain a token by completing the following steps:

      1. Log in to your Traceable account.

      2. Navigate to Settings (image-1638268402925) → Account → Agent Tokens.

      3. Click on Generate Token.

      Make sure to copy and save the generated token, as you cannot access it again. You can only edit or delete the name of the token. This token is used in the steps detailed below. If this token is deleted from Traceable Platform (UI), the communication between Traceable Platform agent and Traceable Platform (UI) will break. In such a case, generate and update a new token in the Platform agent.


  • Download the Windows agent from Traceable’s download site. Navigate to installtraceable-agentwindows →  latest folder.

  • Make sure that you have administrative privileges in Powershell.

  • By default, the Platform agent is installed in the /Program Files/Traceable folder.


Make a note of the following limitations for Traceable’s Platform agent for Windows:

  • The following functionalities are not supported with the Windows agent:

    • Blocking

    • Sampling

  • OPA distributor service is not supported.


Complete the following steps to install the Traceable Platform agent:

  1. Unzip the Platform Agent zip file that you downloaded earlier. An install script is part of the unzipped folder.

  2. Open a Powershell window with administrative privileges.

  3. Use the install script to install the agent. Enter the following command:

    .\install.ps1 -endpoint -token <api-token>

    The command takes the following inputs:




    Traceable Platform API endpoint. The default value is


    The API refresh token is used to connect to the Traceable Platform. This is the token that you generated in the Before you Begin section.

A successful installation would give you an output similar to as shown in the screenshot below:

Set environment name for Traceable Platform agent

Complete the following steps to set the environment name for the Traceable Platform agent:

  1. Navigate to "Edit the System environment variables."

    • Right-click on "This PC" and select "Properties."

    • Click "Advanced system settings" on the left-hand side.

    • In the "System Properties" window, click the "Environment Variables" button.

  2. Add a new environment variable TA_ENVIRONMENT and set the value to the environment name you want to use.

    • Under "System variables," click "New."

    • In the "New System Variable" window, set TA_ENVIRONMENT as the "Variable name" and the environment name (e.g., "Production" or "Development") as the "Variable value."

    • Click "OK" to save.

  3. Restart the Traceable platform agent service:

    • Open the Command Prompt as Administrator.

    • Run the following commands to stop and start the service:

      sc stop Traceable
      sc start Traceable


Run the following command to view the current status of the Traceable agent:

sc query Traceable

The sc query Traceable command is equivalent to systemctl status command in a Unix environment. It would give you an output similar to as shown below:


If there are any errors during the installation process, they are logged in the Windows EventViewer as shown below:


Complete the following steps to uninstall the Traceable’s Windows agent:

  1. Stop the Traceable service. Enter the following command:

    sc stop Traceable
  2. Remove the Traceable service. Enter the following command:

    sc delete Traceable
  3. Delete the Traceable directory from the default install directory. If the Windows is installed in drive C,

    then the path will be C:\Program Files\Traceable

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