Configuring Suites using GraphQL API
  • 14 Jun 2024
  • 8 Minutes to read
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Configuring Suites using GraphQL API

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Article summary

Traceable provides the GraphQL public API for creating and deleting GraphQL schema-based suites. To do this, see the following sections:

Before you begin

Make a note of the following before you proceed with suite creation:

  • While the targetUrl attribute in the below API request is optional, it becomes mandatory when the traffic type is set to GENERATED and the traffic source is either OpenAPI specifications or GraphQL schemas.

  • Make sure that the values for the environment and configuration.trafficEnvironment attributes are identical.

  • To reuse the test suites generated in a previous scan, you must specify the value for the baseScanId attribute.

  • To target specific API endpoints, endpoint labels, or services, you must have the unique identifier (ID) of the underlying asset. Otherwise, the selection automatically includes all available assets.

  • When using the GENERATED traffic type, you must have the underlying source’s unique identifier (ID). Else, you must use LIVE.

Create a suite

To create a suite, use the following sample API request:

mutation {
    create: {
      name: "<name_of_the_suite>"   # It should be unique across enviroments 
      description: ""
      environment: "<enviroment_name>"
      configuration: {
        assetSelections: [   # Attributes in this section cannot be null or empty
            selectionMode: INCLUDE
            selectedAsset: SERVICE/ENDPOINT/FILTER_RULE 
            service: {
              idPredicates: [
                  value: "id1"
                  relationalOperator: EQUALS
                  value: "id2"
                  relationalOperator: EQUALS
                  value: "id3"
                  relationalOperator: EQUALS
            selectionMode: INCLUDE
            selectedAsset: ENDPOINT
            endpoint: {
              urlPredicates: [
                { relationalOperator: MATCHES_REGEX, value: ".+" }
            selectionMode: EXCLUDE
            selectedAsset: ENDPOINT
            endpoint: {
              urlPredicates: [
                  relationalOperator: MATCHES_REGEX
                  value: ".*(logout|health).*"
        policyId: "id"   # This cannot be null or empty
        targetUrl: ""   # This can be null or empty
        trafficConfiguration: { generationTrafficType:   # This cannot be null or empty 
        trafficEnvironment: "development"   # This cannot be null or empty
        baseScanId: ""   # This can be null or empty
        spanFilters: { conditions: [] }   # This can be null or empty
      advanceConfiguration: {   # This can be null or empty 
        delayDurationBetweenRequests: "PT0S"
        idleTimeoutDuration: "PT600S"
        scanTimeoutDuration: "PT1800S"
        totalTestExecutionThreads: 20
      hookConfiguration: {   # This can be null or empty
        hookDetails: [{ hookId: "id" }]
      integrationDetails: []   # This can be null or empty
      scanEvaluationCriteriaConfiguration: {   # This cannot be null or empty
        scanEvaluationCriteriaDetails: [
          { scanEvaluationCriteriaId: "id" }
      scheduleJobConfiguration: {   # This can be null or empty
        status: ENABLED
        name: "scheduled"
        runnerIds: []
        dailySchedule: { scheduledTime: "18:30:00.000Z" }
  ) {

Following is the explanation of the attributes in the above API request:




The name of the suite


The description of the suite


The traffic environment of the suite


Configure the asset and attack selection rule


ID of the policy for attack selection


The target domain


The traffic type:





The traffic environment of the suite


The selection mode for the assets. This can be either INCLUDE or EXCLUDE.


This can be:





The hook ID for the suite


The integrations you want to use in the suite


The ID of the scan evaluation criteria


The delay duration between the request


The idle timeout duration


The total threads for execution


If the status is ENABLE, it schedules a job on the specified configuration time.

The name of the schedule


The runner IDs to run the scan

Following is a sample response to the above API request:

  "data": {
    "createScanSuite": {
      "id": "id",
      "__typename": "CreateScanSuiteResponse"


The following are various categories, their respective sample scenarios, and the sample JSON snippets that you can use in your suite creation API request:

Asset selection

The asset selection attribute (selectedAsset) can use endpoints, services, or rules in suite creation. The following are some scenarios that you can use according to your requirements:

Include URL regex
  selectionMode: INCLUDE
  selectedAsset: ENDPOINT
  endpoint: {
      urlPredicates: [
        { relationalOperator: MATCHES_REGEX, value: ".+" }
Exclude URL regex
Execlude Url Regex asset selection
  selectionMode: EXCLUDE
  selectedAsset: ENDPOINT
  endpoint: {
      urlPredicates: [
       {relationalOperator: MATCHES_REGEXvalue: ".*(logout|health).*" }
When all API endpoints are selected
  selectionMode: INCLUDE
  selectedAsset: ENDPOINT
  endpoint: { idPredicates: [] }
When specific API endpoints are selected
 selectionMode: INCLUDE
 selectedAsset: ENDPOINT
   endpoint: {
    idPredicates: [
          value: "id1" 
          relationalOperator: EQUALS
         value: "id2" 
         relationalOperator: EQUALS
When endpoint labels are selected
  selectionMode: INCLUDE
  selectedAsset: ENDPOINT
  endpoint: {
      labelPredicates: [
        { value: "Critical", relationalOperator: EQUALS }
        { value: "Sensitive", relationalOperator: EQUALS }
When service is selected as an asset
 selectionMode: INCLUDE
 selectedAsset: SERVICE
 service: {
     idPredicates: [
         value: "id3"
         relationalOperator: EQUALS
        value: "id4"
        relationalOperator: EQUALS
When assets are selected based on filter rules
 selectionMode: INCLUDE
 selectedAsset: FILTER_RULE
 selectedAssetFilter: [
      keyExpression: { key: "isExternal" }
      operator: EQUALS
      value: true
      type: ATTRIBUTE
      keyExpression: { key: "isAuthenticated" }
      operator: EQUALS
      value: true
      type: ATTRIBUTE

Traffic configuration

The traffic type selection attribute (generationTrafficType) can use live, replay, or generated traffic in suites. For generated traffic can use Postman collection, OpenAPI specification, or GraphQL schema as the source. The following are some scenarios that you can use according to your requirements:

When live traffic type is selected
{ generationTrafficType: LIVE_TRAFFIC }
When replay traffic type is selected
{ generationTrafficType: REPLAY_TRAFFIC }
When generated traffic type is selected with Postman collection as the source
 generationTrafficType: GENERATED_TRAFFIC
 postmanCollectionDetailsList: [
     postmanCollectionId: "id1"
     environmentDocumentId: "id2"   # This attribute is optional 
When generated traffic type is selected with Open API specs as the source
generationTrafficType: GENERATED_TRAFFIC
openApiSpecsIds: ["id1", "id2", "id3"]
When generated traffic type is selected with GraphQL schema as the source
generationTrafficType: GENERATED_TRAFFIC
graphqlSchemaDetailsList: [
    graphqlSchemaId: "id1"
    graphqlIntrospectionEnabled: false
    graphqlSchemaId: "id2"
    graphqlIntrospectionEnabled: false

Hook configuration

You can configure one or more hooks in the suite creation API request, for example:

  hookDetails: [
    { hookId: "id1" }
    { hookId: "id2" }

Schedule job configuration

The schedule job attribute (scheduleJobConfiguration) helps schedule scans to run at specific times. The following is a sample configuration that you can use according to your requirements:

 status: ENABLED
 name: "schedule"
 runnerIds: []
 dailySchedule: { scheduledTime: "18:30:00.000Z" }

The above snippet automatically schedules the scans to run at the specified time (scheduledTime) using any available runner. You can also use a specific runner; however, you must specify its ID in the runnerIds attribute. You can also schedule the scan to run on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis using the dailySchedule, weeklySchedule, and monthlySchedule attributes respectively.

Integration details

The integration details attribute (integrationDetails) helps use existing integrations in your test suite, for example:

   snykIntegrationDetails: {
   organizationId: "idO"
   projectIds: ["idP"]

Delete a suite

To delete a suite, use the following sample API request:

mutation {
  deleteScanSuites(scanSuiteIdList: ["id1", "id2"]) {

Following is the explanation of the attributes in the above API request:




List of the suite IDs to delete

Following is a sample response to the above API request:

  "data": {
    "deleteScanSuites": {
      "success": true

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