  • 20 Dec 2023
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Article summary

Reports and reporting are essential system components, more so in the cybersecurity domain. Traceable provides you with an option to create a range of custom reports. These reports help by providing essential insights, monitoring capabilities, and incident response information to protect sensitive data, detect threats, and maintain a robust security posture.

Traceable provides you with predefined templates to generate the reports. These predefined templates are for the following areas of the product:

  • API catalog

    • Sensitive data report - Provides a report on sensitive data in transit, including 3rd party APIs

    • API inventory report - Provides a report on inventory or APIs

    • Vulnerabilities report - Provides a report on vulnerabilities detected by Traceable

  • Protection

    • Threats and events report - Provides a report on threats detected by Traceable.

  • API security testing (AST)

    • API security testing - Provides a report on scan details of the latest scan. For example, if you had five scans running weekly, the report would be generated based on the latest available scan.

While you can view the reports of all the environments in a single place, you can only create reports for a specific environment.

Create a report

Creating a report involves four steps: configuration, scheduling, reviewing configurations, and viewing the preview.

Complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the Reports menu.

  2. Click on the Create Report button.

  3. Choose from one of the templates for which you wish to generate a report.

Every report template has the following two sections:

  • Report details - In this section, you configure the report's name, choose the environment for which you wish to generate the report, and choose a format from PDF or CSV.

  • Configuration - The configuration section has different sub-sections based on your chosen template. Each section makes a different part of the report. Configuring all the configuration sections is mandatory.


    In any of the configuration section, you can have a maximum of 500 rows as part of the report. The columns for each configurartion section are predefined in the template and cannot be altered.

In the next steps, schedule the report, review the configuration, and preview the report. When you schedule the report, you can choose the frequency from daily or weekly reports. When you select a weekly report frequency, Traceable sends you the report weekly from that day to the configured email ID. For example, if you create a report on Friday, you will get the weekly report every Friday. If you choose a daily report, Traceable sends you the data of the last 24 hours.


You can complete report creation without scheduling it. However, if you wish to enable or schedule the report, you have to provide at least one email ID.

Actions on reports

You can carry out the following actions on the report:

  • Live view

  • Edit the report

  • Delete the report

  • Clone the report

  • Download the last PDF

  • Download current CSV

  • Live view is the view of the report at that point in time. Live view is helpful when you do not wish to schedule a report yet want to generate one. The time range for the live view is based on the report's schedule frequency (daily or weekly). If the frequency is weekly, the live view will display a report from one week back to the current time. Similarly, the live view would be generated for daily frequency reports.

  • You can Clone an existing report to make a copy of it. You can then modify the cloned report and run it as an entirely different report.

Apart from Live View and Clone functionality, you can download the report as the last run PDF or the current CSV. Multiple CSVs are downloaded based on the number of configuration sections in the report when you download the current CSV. For example, the sensitive data report has three configuration sections, so three separate CSVs are downloaded, one for each section.


There is a possibility that the data in Live view and the downloaded PDF may be different. For example, for a sensitive data report, some new sensitive data may have been reported since the last run of report.

Interactive report

When you click on an item in live view or the PDF sent to your email ID, you will be redirected to the Traceable Platform to the exact screen with more details about the activity. For example, in the screenshot below, clicking on the endpoint will take you to the endpoint details page that shows the system's current state.

Live view snippet
Detailed information when clicking on an item in the live view

This functionality makes the report interactive.

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