Release Notes - NGINX
  • 02 Nov 2023
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Release Notes - NGINX

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Article summary

0.1.84 - 2nd November

Traceable’s NGINX agent 0.1.84 adds support for NGINX 1.25.3.

0.1.83 - 29th September 

Traceable's NGINX agent 0.1.83 adds support for NGINX 1.25.1 and 1.25.2.

0.1.78 - 12th June

Traceable's NGINX agent 0.1.78 adds support for NGINX 1.25.0 mainline release.

0.1.75 - 4th May

Traceable's NGINX agent 0.1.75 comes with the following updates:

  • 0.1.75 release provides ARM NGINX tarball.

  • NGINX support - 0.1.75 NGINX provides support for the following NGINX versions:

    • CentOS 7 - The following NGINX versions are supported for RPM packages:

      • “1.19.6”, “1.19.7”, “1.19.8”, “1.19.9”, “1.19.10”, “1.21.0”, “1.21.1”, “1.21.2”, “1.21.3”, “1.21.4”, “1.21.5”, “1.21.6”, “1.23.0”, “1.23.1”, “1.23.2”, “1.23.3”, “1.23.4”, “1.18.0”, “1.20.0”, “1.20.1”, “1.20.2”, “1.22.0”, “1.22.1”, “1.24.0”.

    • CentOS 8 - The following NGINX versions are supported for RPM packages:

      • “1.19.0”, “1.19.1”, “1.19.2”, “1.19.3”, “1.19.4”, “1.19.5”, “1.19.6”, “1.19.7”, “1.19.8”, “1.19.9”, “1.19.10”, “1.21.0”, “1.21.1”, “1.21.2”, “1.21.3”, “1.21.4”, “1.21.5”, “1.21.6”, “1.23.0”, “1.23.1”, “1.23.2”, “1.23.3”, “1.23.4”, “1.18.0”, “1.18.0”, “1.20.0”, “1.20.1”, “1.20.2”, “1.22.0”, “1.22.1”, “1.24.0”.

0.1.73 - 24th April

Traceable's NGNIX agent 0.1.73 comes with the following updates:

  • Blocking - 0.1.73 release provides support for:

    • Blocking requests from categorized IP addresses.

    • Custom rules for blocking requests XML bodies

  • Sampling configuration - 0.1.73 release provides a new sampling configuration rate_limit_strategy for dropping the spans. Previously, bare spans were sent to the Traceable Platform.

  • NGINX support - 0.1.73 adds support for the following versions of NGINX:

    • 1.22.1

    • 1.23.2

    • 1.23.3

    • 1.23.4

    • 1.24.0

  • Performance improvement - In 0.1.73 release improves performance by dropping the spans in Traceable's NGINX agent instead of Traceable Platform.

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