Release Notes - Platform agent
  • 11 Jan 2023
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Release Notes - Platform agent

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Article Summary

1.27.2 – 22nd December

Traceable's 1.27.2 release has the following updates:

  • Compressed data from Mulesoft agent – 1.27.2 release provides an option in Traceable's Mulesoft agent to send compressed XML data. This helps in saving bandwidth. For more information, see Mulesoft agent configuration.
  • Configurable registry suffix – 1.27.2 release provides support for configurable registry suffix if you use Helm chart to deploy Platform agent and use custom image registry. For more information, see Helm.
  • Azure APIM – 1.27.2 release resolves an issue with Traceable's Azure asynchronous policy where the policy was failing when the response was of 0 bytes.
  • Default number of workers – 1.27.2 release reduces the number of default workers in the Platform agent processing pipeline. This reduces the usage of CPU.

1.26.0 – 7th December

Traceable's 1.26.0 release has the following updates:

  • Traceable platform service as headless service in Kubernetes – Traceable agent's 1.26.0 release provides the ability to run Traceable Platform service as a headless in Kubernetes. This is helpful in enabling GRPC client-side load balancing for Traceable's tracing agent. In 1.26.0 release, only the Go agent supports this client-side load balancing. For more information, see Helm and Terraform topics under Platform agent.
  • AWS VPC mirroring – 1.26.0 release provides a Terraform template for AWS VPC mirroring. For more information, see AWS VPC mirroring.
  • Processing pipeline improvement – 1.26.0 optimizes Traceable agent's processing pipeline to improve performance of Tracing agent's span exporter.
  • Attribution processor – 1.26.0 release adds a new user attribution processor to support regex-based capture and authentication types.
  • Ability to specify Traceable images – 1.26.0 release provides you the ability to specify the Traceable images using their SHA256 digest in Helm and Terraform deployments.

1.25.1 – 16th November

Traceable's 1.25.1 release resolves an issue where AWS VPC cloud formation templates were failing to create mirroring sessions when the number of target instances in the target group were more than 200.

1.25.0 - 10th November

Traceable's 1.25.0 release has the following updates:

  • eBPF OpenShift SCC deployment - Traceable agent's 1.25.0 release supports deploying eBPF in an OpenShift SCC environment. For more information, see eBPF with SCC on OpenShift.
  • eBPF egress data capture - Traceable agent's 1.25.0 release of eBPF agent supports capturing of egress data.
  • Use of persistent queue - Traceable agent now uses a persistent queue for span export retries on a failure.
  • Log rotation - Traceable agent installed on a virtual machine now supports log rotation.
  • Hashicorp vault integration - Traceable agent's 1.25.0 release supports using the secret keys stored in a HashiCorp vault. You can achieve this using either Helm values or Terraform.
  • Default environment - If during Traceable agent's configuration, you miss configuring an environment name, then an environment with a default name is configured.
  • Exclude rule - Spans matching API exclude rules are now dropped in Traceable platform agent. This helps in reducing the resource usage as the matching API exclude rule spans are not processed by Traceable platform agent.

1.24.0 - 26th September

Traceable's 1.24.0 release has the following updates:

  • Multipart/form-data - Traceable agent's 1.24.0 release supports redaction and truncation of multipart/form-data.
  • eBPF - Traceable agent's 1.24.0 release provides an installation script for eBPF and Platform agent on a virtual machine. You can download the installation script by navigating to install > traffic mirroring > linux > latest folder on Traceable's download site.
  • Environment scoped blocking rules - With Traceable agent's 1.24.0 release, Platform agents receive blocking rules that are specific to that environment.
  • XML body redaction - Traceable's 1.24.0 agent release supports redaction of XML bodies.

1.23.0 - 22nd August

Traceable's 1.23.0 release has the following updates:

  • Install script - Traceable's 1.23.0 release provides an installation script to support mirroring components. To download the script, navigate to Traceable's download site and click on install > traffic-mirroring > linux > latest.

1.21.2 - 16th August

Traceable's 1.21.2 release has the following updates:

  • Traceable Platform agent with mirroring on ECS - Traceable's 1.21.2 release supports installation of Traceable Platform agent on ECS with mirroring option.
  • In-application blocking on Alpine OS - Traceable's 1.21.2 release provides support for in-application request blocking for Traceable agents running on Alpine OS 3.9 or later.

1.21.0 - 2nd August

Traceable's 1.21.0 release has the following updates:

  • eBPF - Traceable's 1.21.0 release provides support to capture HTTP TLS traffic for applications using OpenSSL. 
  • Gloo Edge - Traceable's 1.21.0 release adds a new Traceable agent to support Gloo Edge Ingress Controller. For more information, see Gloo Edge.
  • Environment variable update - Traceable's 1.21.0 release deprecates the following two environment variables:

The environment variables that replace the deprecated environment variable are TA_REMOTE_CA_CERT_FILE and TA_REMOTE_GRPC_MAX_CALL_RECV_MSG_SIZE.

1.20.1 - 29th June

Traceable's 1.20.1 release has the following updates:

  • eBPF -  Traceable's 1.20.1 release provides custom labels for eBPF deployment option.
  • Data classification - Traceable's 1.20.1 release provides new data classification capabilities through Helm charts, Terraform, and config.yaml file.

1.20.0 - 17th June

Traceable's 1.20 release has the following updates:

  • OTEL collector - Traceable's 1.20.0 release upgrades the OTEL collector to v0.49.0
  • Istio - Traceable's 1.20.0 release provides blocking support on ARM64

1.19.2 - 2nd June

Traceable's 1.19.2 release has the following updates:

  • OpenResty - Traceable's 1.19.2 release resolves the issue of incorrect request and response data for OpenResty Lua.
  • eBPF - Traceable's 1.19.2 release:
    • Allows eBPF container to run in privileged mode.
    • Removes IP-based filter for the captured traffic

1.19.1 - 21st May

Traceable's 1.19.1 release has the following updates:

  • AWS mirroring - Traceable's 1.19.1 release supports multiple CIDR blocks for AWS mirroring.
  • ARM64 support - Traceable's 1.19.1 release provides support for ARM64 for platform agent and HAProxy.
  • DaemonSet mirroring - Traceable's 1.19.1 release allows capturing HTTP method when using DaemonSet mirroring.

1.18.1 - 22nd April

Traceable's 1.18.1 release has the following updates:

  • End user identification - Traceable's 1.18.1 release supports extracting JWT tokens from a JSON body field for enduser identification.
  • Enduser identification - Traceable's 1.18.1 release provides the ability for enduser identification based on service name.

1.18.0 - 16th April

Traceable's 1.18.0 release has the following updates:

  • HorizontalPodAutoScaler warning - 1.80.0 release fixes the deprecated warning that is displayed during the deployment.
  • AWS mirroring - 1.80.0 release provides the ability to configure custom reporting endpoints in the CloudFormation template. The new option is named TraceableAPIEndpoint.
  • DaemonSet mirroring - 1.80.0 release supports exclude rules for DaemonSet mirroring.
  • Static modsec rules - 1.80.0 release no longer supports config_file element under modsec and protectioninspectionprocessor. If you have installed Traceable agent on a VM and upgrading from an older version, make sure to remove the element from your agent configuration.
  • OPA upgrade - 1.80.0 release upgrades OPA to 0.37.2
  • ext_cap - 1.80.0 release removes a few obsolete configuration syntax.
  • Java agent - 1.80.0 release upgrades the Java agent to 1.0.9
  • Header size - 1.80.0 release increases the maximum size of captured headers to 16k for mirroring.

1.17.3 - 6th April

Traceable's 1.17.3 release adds limited support for HAProxy 2.0.x.

1.17.2 - 5th April

Traceable's 1.17.2 release upgrades the embedded Java agent to version 1.0.8.

1.17.1 - 2nd April

Traceable's 1.17.1 release provides the ability to use self-signed certificates in the Traceable Platform agent for on-premise installation.

1.17.0 - 29th March

Traceable's 1.17.0 release has the following updates for the Traceable Platform agent:

  • Traffic mirroring - 1.17.0 release fixes a potential issue caused due to packet drop during traffic mirroring under heavy load.
  • Istio - 1.17.0 release provides an ability for Istio cluster deployment to report data to Traceable platform agent deployed in a different cluster.
  • Kubernetes namespace - 1.17.0 release provides an option to include Kubernetes namespace in the service name.

1.16.0 - 14th March 

Traceable's 1.16.0 release has the following updates for the Traceable Platform agent:

  • AutoScaling - Traceable's platform agent 1.16.0 release provides a configurable autoscaling option for pods.
  • OTEL collector - Traceable's platform agent 1.16.0 release upgrades the OTEL collector to 0.44.0.
  • Log message - Traceable's platform agent 1.16.0 release suppresses a noisy log message http: proxy error: message context canceled.

1.15.0 - 23rd February 

Traceable's 1.15.0 release has the following updates for the Traceable Platform agent:

  • TLS version - Traceable's platform agent 1.15.0 enforces TLS 1.2 as the minimum version.
  • Istio mesh - Traceable's 1.15.0 release supports running Traceable agent inside Istio mesh with strict mTLS enabled.
  • Configure dropping spans - Traceable 1.15.0 release provides an option to configure dropping of spans in the collector based on the attributes. This configuration is defined as a top-level span filter Helm or Terraform value to drop certain spans. The structure should be similar to as shown below. Note that this configuration should be the top-level configuration.
      - key: http.request.header.user-agent
         value_regex: "ELB-HealthChecker/1.0"
      - key: http.url
         value: <REGEX>
    By default, liveliness checks from Kubernetes, AWS LB, and GCP LB are now filtered out.
  • ECS traffic mirroring - Traceable now supports ECS traffic mirroring when host networking mode is used. 
  • Custom Kubernetes selectors - Traceable's 1.15.0 release now supports custom Kubernetes selectors for enabling mirroring. 
  • Pod annotation for mirroring - Traceable's 1.15.0 release introduces a new annotation to enable or disable mirroring for a pod. When the annotation is set to false in daemonset mode, the pod is ignored for mirroring. If the value is set to false in sidecar mode, the sidecar is not injected.
  • Traffic mirroring for namespace - Traceable's 1.15.0 release provides capability to turn on traffic mirroring for all namespaces. Use the label daemonSetMirroringEnabled and daemonSetMirrorAllNamespaces Helm and Terraform options.
  • Sidecar pod mirroring - From Traceable's 1.15.0 release, only one sidecar container is injected for sidecar pod mirroring.

1.14.0 - 10th January 

Traceable's 1.14.0 release has the following updates for the Traceable Platform agent:

  • Certificate and key reload - Traceable's 1.14.0 Platform agent automatically reloads the certificates and keys when the respective files are updated.
  • TLS traffic route - Traceable's 1.14.0 Platform agent release routes all TLS traffic through a single port and also removes the use of hairpinning.
  • Kubernetes traffic mirroring - Traceable's 1.14.0 Platform agent provides an option to configure Kubernetes traffic mirroring as a daemonset or sidecar.
  • AWS traffic mirroring - Traceable's 1.14.0 Platform agent supports installing multiple AWS mirroring CloudFormation stacks with the same source.

1.13.2 - 4th January 

Traceable's 1.13.2 release has the following updates for the Traceable Platform agent:

  • tmm rename - Traceable's mirroring module (tmm) has been renamed to mirror. For more information, see Mirroring in Annotations and Labels
  • Capture pod egress traffic - Traceable's traffic mirroring for Pods now has an option to capture Pod's egress traffic instead of ingress traffic. By default, the mirroring agent captures the ingress traffic. To capture the egress traffic for all pods in a namespace, annotate the namespace with To capture the egress traffic at the pod level, annotate pod with
  • Custom labels - Traceable's Platform agent 1.13.2 gives you an option to inject Traceable sidecars using your existing namespace names, pod labels, annotations, and field values. You can use your existing labels if you are deploying Traceable agent using Helm or Terraform. Custom labels are currently supported for Proxy, JAVA, Traceable module extension (tme), and mirroring.
  • AWS traffic mirroring - AWS traffic mirroring now works with default VPC and default subnets.
  • Support for older Kubernetes versions - Traceable now supports Kubernetes from version 1.14 and later.

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