  • 17 May 2024
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Article summary

1.7.0 — 16th May

Traceable’s Node.js agent’s 1.7.0 release provides the following:


  • The 1.7.0 release adds commonjs compatible handler for Lambda compatibility with Dynatrace.

1.6.2 — 10th May

Traceable’s Node.js agent’s 1.6.2 release provides the following:


  • The 1.6.2 release adds support for running Lambda when other layer needs to use AWS_LAMBDA_EXEX_WRAPPER.

1.6.1 — 15th April

Traceable’s Node.js agent’s 1.6.1 release provides the following:

Resolved issues

  • DynamoDB — The 1.6.1 agent resolves an error during HTTP request/response body capture that surfaces with the DynamoDB HTTP client.

  • TLS certificate file — The 1.6.1 agent gracefully handles errors related to TLS certificate files that are not found.

1.6.0 - 21st March

Traceable’s Node.js agent’s 1.6.0 release provides the following update:


  • esmodule — The 1.6.0 release adds esmodule support for lambda.

1.5.0 - 15th March

Traceable’s Node.js agent’s 1.5.0 release provides the following update:


  • Node version — The 1.5.0 release drops Node.js versions 8, 10, and 12 support.

  • OTEL and Protobufjs — The 1.5.0 release upgrades the OTEL and Protobufjs.

1.4.2 - 26th February

Traceable’s Node.js agent’s 1.4.2 release provides the following update:


  • TLS connection — The 1.4.2 release provides support for TLS connection between the Node.js agent and the Traceable Platform agent.

  • protobuf The 1.4.2 release updates the protobuf version to 7.2.5.

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