  • 16 May 2024
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Article summary

Policies in API Security Testing (AST) define the type of attacks you wish your API endpoints would face. The vulnerabilities in your API endpoints are detected based on these attacks. You can select the attacks from the following three categories:

  • Specific attacks — Traceable runs your selected tests on the API endpoints when you choose this option.

  • All attacks — Traceable runs all available tests on your API endpoints when you choose this option. However, this may be time-consuming.

  • Rule-based attacks—Traceable runs the available tests on the API endpoints based on the filters you apply when you choose this option. For example, the filters shown in the following screenshot identify Security Misconfiguration and High-severity vulnerabilities.

    Rule-based Attacks

You can choose from the above attacks according to your requirements while creating a policy.

For all the categories of attacks, Traceable describes each attack and the OWASP category into which it falls. All the attacks fall into one of the following categories:

  • Server-side request forgery

  • Security misconfiguration

  • JSON web token

  • Access control

  • Insecure design

  • SQL injection

  • Authorization

  • Improper asset management

  • Remote code execution

  • Data Exposure

  • Cross-site scripting

  • Security headers

  • TLS

  • No SQL injection

  • Business logic

  • Authentication


To run a suite scan, you need at least one policy. Policies apply to All Environments.

To create a policy, navigate to TestingPolicies and click the Create Scan Policy button. Creating a policy is a 3 step process.

  • Select the attacks — Select attacks from one of the three categories listed above.

  • Advance configuration — You can select the following advanced configurations:

    • Attack methods — Choose from GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, and PATCH

    • Attack coverage — This advanced option lets you choose the type of tests you wish to run:

      • Smoke — These are basic security tests for continuous coverage.

      • Optimized — Traceable runs fewer, smarter tests using selective payloads and learned data when you select this option.

      • Exhaustive — When you choose this option, Traceable attempts to cover all the scenarios with all possible attacks.

    • Run only safe attacks — Choose this option to run API Security Tests directly in the production environment. The tests run when you select this option are non-disruptive.

  • Save the policy — Traceable displays a policy summary as the final step. Click on Create Policy to save the policy.

AST Scan Policy
AST Scan Policy

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